
Lonely World and so I only Want to have More and More runescape money

We live in one world, face many ordinary and beautiful colors, face many similar scenery, we have different exclamation. We strive to look forward to, hence, the surge stumbled again, then climb up. We are all in the ordinary world as we all low swinging efforts, to dream, for important people and things, and also for life with oneself.
I often wonder, lonely life people get what? His existence is for the sake of what? Sometimes want to rise, have a kind of creepy shock and woke up with a stat. and lonely, sometimes is not waking.
I would like to Jane, she resists loneliness, but can be in solitude dignified choice in its own way, live, not decadent awakened is unwilling also lonely, this is a state, is also a kind of respect for life and hope. She really strong woman, has the unyielding and admirable disposition, the tenacious survival in fragile. The chains of life much, we struggle too much, the loss of the world there will be more uncertain factors and uncertain choice, and linger, not run forward rush out, maybe we will find that, in fact, in this process, efforts are not alone.
Hard, trying to make us become strong all his efforts to prove their identity for others shy of the beautiful collection, the identity of their existence value. We are afraid of loneliness, so resist, we sometimes have to lonely, so strong. Sometimes have to admit that the person is living, have one must protect important things, but is kept fighting struggle, bleeding profusely, and this is also a potential human heart heavy faith.
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