
Runescape Guide for Woodcutting at Lower Levels

runescape gold which we often look forward to getting in the game plays a valuable part, we can make full use of it to achieve our aims, and even more you can learn skills from other player. You had better buy an iron hatchet, and a steel hatchet off either Bob from lumbering, or the Grand Exchange. So you can use your iron hatchet at level one woodcutting and your steel hatchet at six woodcuttings. Then you can go to the hand statues which are right near the Grand Exchange, but I hope you can fact your true thought.
You will see a ton of trees after you are head a bit south, and you can woodcut before your level at level fifteen. You can get your iron and steel hatchet, and woodcut trees. Trees can be located all over runescape, and you can do woodcutting trees right near Lumbering. Drop your logs, and you need do this until that you can enter into level fifteen.
When you are at level fifteen, go to get your steel hatchet in Runescape. A mitral hatchet is out of your bank, and you will find two small fountains and three oak trees near them when you go to Varro palace. Woodcut these with your steel hatchet until level twenty one woodcuttings then switch to your mitral hatchet at twenty one. Keep woodcutting oaks until level thirty one woodcuttings so you can use an adamant hatchet. You will get steel, and this mitral hatchet will be out of your bank. Go to Varro palace and look around and you will find three oaks.
Maybe you think what I have understood is poor, in fact, it is very suitable for us in the game to kill bugbears, and also we now can improve our levels, which is the center of the game.

